Edify is Leading Inspiring Nurturing Empowering Young India

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Investiture ceremony
Insperia Science Expo -2024
Interschool football tournament -2024
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Sports Education Program
Skating Championship
Soccer Championship
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Annual Day
Mock Drill
Purple Colour Day celebration
Field trip to Karnataka High Court
Solar Plant (1)
Field trip to Solar plant
Inter House Debate competition (5)
Inter House Debate competition
Teachersday (1)
Teachers day celebration
Janmastami (5)
Krishna Janmashtami Celebration
Class Prefects (8)
Class Prefects
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Field trip to Tanda community
Trip to Gulbera fort (2)
Filed Trip to Gulbarga Fort
Field trip to post office (4)
Field trip to the post office
Science Center Visit (1)
Science Centre Visit
Thank you card (2)
Thank you Card Making Competition
Basket Ball - Final Match (9)
Basketball Final Match
Red Colour Day celebration
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Field Trip
Inter House On the Spot Art competition (4)
Inter House On the Spot Art competition
Go Green (5)
Go Green Campaign
Inter Basketball (28)
Inter House Basketball Competition
Interhouse Spell Bee Competition (12)
Interhouse Spell Bee Competition
Football tournament (7)
Football tournament
Fancy dress competition (16)
Crazy Fancy Dress Competition
Independence Day (8)
Independence Day Celebration
Doctor's day (12)
Doctor's Day celebration
eid celebration (4)
EID celebration
Field trip to nursery and plantation of trees (1)
Field trip to nursery and plantation of trees
Food grains activity
Health check up camp (4)
Health check-up camp
Yellow day celebration (1)
IK Yellow Day celebration
Inter house football competition (7)
Throwball Competition & Running Race Competition
Interhouse quiz competition (3)
Interhouse quiz competition
International yoga day (4)
International Yoga Day celebration
guitar session (3)
Keyboard and guitar practice session
mimeshow (10)
Mime show
onspotartcompetition (7)
On-spot art competition
parent Orientation Programme (6)
Parent Orientation Programme
Puja (6)
Pooja Event
Fancy dress competition (12)
PSP fancy dress competition
PSP Visited to hospital
PTM (7)
Parent-teacher meeting
Essay Writing Competition
Relaunch (8)
School news in the local newspaper
Environment Day (2)
School Reopening and Environment Day
Voting for head boy and head girl (3)
Voting for Head Boy and Head Girl
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World Population Day
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